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Industry Leading IT Security Solutions from HDS
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Managed APT Prevention in Auckland


HDS APT Prevention is a full protection system that will defend your network against sophisticated ‘advanced persistent threats’ (APTs).

With the speed at which security threats can damage your network, it is important for businesses to adopt a protection model that caters for the continuous nature of these threats.

The solution has is capable of real time threat detection and can also contain and resolves threats very quickly, thereby reducing the impact on your business operations.


HDS APT Prevention approach:

Prevent Threats – The threats will be detected and analysed in real time which will

APT Prevention

enable pro-active blocking and provide a high level of intelligence to understand the source of the attacks. This will enable constant ongoing protection and the system will get ‘smarter’ as more information about threats is logged.

Detect the threat – The security threats we face today require a network architecture that has the ability to be aware of both multi-vector and multi-stage attacks. The HDS APT solution can detect both known and evolving threats on a real time basis and can switch the protection to the correct load to match the demands of the network it is implemented within.

Contain the threat – Containing security threats effectively requires live validation of the threats alongside the ability to put a stop to attacks when systems are compromised.

Resolve the threat – Security threats will be examined, scoped and taken through to a resolution quickly in a way that is cost effective and that doesn’t impact on the flow of legitimate traffic.