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Home 9 Managed IT Services 9 IT Management Problems

IT Management Problems


How our Managed IT Services will solve them

1. Machines that Consume too much of your time:

Modern IT systems require constant attention to keep them running at 100% and will soon start to ‘misbehave’ if they are not given this vital attention and maintenance. The fact that the everyday IT Manager will look to solve problems as and when they occur adds to the problem. This is because this approach increases the time that the ever-expanding task that is IT system maintenance demands on a daily basis.

“HDS always aim to provide a pro-active service that will prevent problems ever occurring whilst simultaneously boosting general system efficiency, performance levels and system availability.”

IT Management Problems

2. Confusion caused by increasingly complex IT maintenance software:

The software used to manage modern IT systems is growing increasingly complex as new technologies such as cloud infrastructures, server virtualisation and advanced mobile devices continue to become more common within the industry. These technologies are guaranteed to improve your business operations and help towards business growth but they also bring another guarantee, more stress for the IT manager.

“At HDS, we ensure we are always on top of the latest developments within the industry, allowing us to provide the industry leading IT services which we have become known for during our 20 years as a Managed IT provider. Our engineers are certified across many platforms and are experts in the utilisation of many best of breed technologies, allowing us to ensure our clients experience professionally managed IT, with no downtime, 24/7/365.”

3. Losing track of what is installed on the network:

Not keeping a close eye on what is installed on every machine across a network can cause your organisation to be exposed to serious security threats. Users installing unlicensed software on machines in illegal and could lead to lawsuits against your organisation and some hefty fines. In contrast, over monitoring this side of network management can put a lot of strain on bandwidth and will be an expensive strategy in the long run.

“HDS will perform an initial audit, and ongoing automatic audits, to find every machine and everything which is installed across the entire network. We will get the level of management just right with the view of maintaining a network which is performing at its best. Our audits will allow us to see what is being used and how often, but perhaps more importantly, what is not being used. This approach will allow you to maximise your network resources and reduce security risks.”

4. Non-Professional IT Management – More harm than good?

Many organisations, in particular small to medium businesses, will often make use of internal resources to perform IT maintenance for which IT is an ‘interest’ or a ‘hobby’. For the short term, this can be a cost effective way of managing IT, but it will usually lead to problems since a non-professional cannot ever provide the same standard of service as the expertly trained personnel that our Managed IT Services will be delivered by.

“At HDS, we are the best at what we do and take pride in that title. We offer professional, well structured IT Management packages that provide a central hub to keep track of network performance right down to the finest details. Our network professionals will ensure that your IT systems are pro-actively monitored, minimising downtime and allowing you to focus on generating revenue, not generating solutions to IT problems.”

5. Organisation of fundamental IT Maintenance tasks

This is perhaps the most beneficial feature of Managed IT Services from the perspective of system efficiency. Remote security configurations, regular backups and virus scanning are just some of the vital tasks that will keep the heartbeat of your organisation, your IT systems, running smoothly. If not correctly managed, these tasks can soon stack up and all sense of organisation will soon be lost. This will lead to system slowdown since and loss of productivity since staff need reliable IT if they are to perform at their best.

“HDS will integrate fully automated procedures into our Managed IT Service packages which allow us to perform vital IT maintenance in an organised fashion that does not require any network downtime. No downtime is required since we use advanced technologies that allow us to perform maintenance tasks remotely or ‘in the background’ while your staff continue to work.”